Items where Subject is "2.12 Data Collection (other)"

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Number of items at this level: 189.


Allen-Robertson, James (2018) Programming Skills for Social Scientists. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2018, 3rd - 5th July 2018, University of Bath. (Unpublished)

Ashton, Daniel (2016) YouTube comments and contesting participatory promises. [Video]

Andrews, Molly (2012) Connecting micro and macro political stories by Molly Andrews. In: What is narrative, 28/02/12, IOE. (Unpublished)

Allett, Nicola and Keightley, Emily and Pickering, Michael (2011) Using self-interviews. Other. Morgan Centre, University of Manchester.

Allett, Nicola (2010) Sounding Out: Using music elicitation in qualitative research. NCRM Working Paper. Realities / Morgan Centre, Manchester.

Allett, Nicola (2010) Using Music Elicitation to Research People's Relationship with Music. Other. Realities, part of the National Centre for Research Methods.

Alasuutari, Pertti and Bickman, Leonard and Brannen, Julia (2008) The Sage Handbook of Social Research Methods. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)


Barker, Ned and Davies, Ceri and Istratii, Romina and Mosteanu, Olimpia and Rothstein, Pedro and Meckin, Robert (2023) Research strategy, uncertainty and COVID-19: A conversation. [Video]

Bell, Karen (2014) How to improve your household surveys: Lessons from analysis of 2012 UK Poverty and Social Exclusion Survey paradata. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2014, 8th - 10th July 2014, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Brannen, Julia and Elliott, Heather (2014) Making sense of life stories: life course and narrative perspectives. In: NOVELLA Conference, 07.07.14, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Boddy, Janet (2014) Meanings of environment for families in India and the UK. In: NOVELLA Conference, 07/07/14, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Back, Les and Lury, Celia and Zimmer, Robert (2013) Doing Real Time Research: Opportunities and Challenges. Discussion Paper. NCRM. (Unpublished)

Birkin, Mark (2013) NCRM podcast: Big Data challenges for social scientists. [Audio]

Brown, Marvelle (2013) African and African Caribbeans Londoners experiences of cancer services. In: African and African Caribbeans Londoners experiences of cancer services, 12th March 2013, IOE.

Bruce, Katie (2012) Getting Stuck In: Participant Observation in the Field. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2012, 2nd - 5th July 2012, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Bishop, Libby (2012) Archiving your data: planning and managing the process. In: Archiving your data: planning and managing the process, 29/05/12, London.

Baker, Sarah Elsie and Edwards, Rosalind (2012) How many qualitative interviews is enough. Discussion Paper. NCRM. (Unpublished)

Bartlett, Ruth (2011) Using diaries in research with people with dementia. Other. Morgan Centre, University of Manchester.

Bonsall, Peter (2011) The use of new technologies to collect data on travel behaviour. [Video] (Unpublished)

Back, Les (2010) Broken devices and new opportunities: re-imagining the tools of qualitative research. NCRM Working Paper. NCRM. (Unpublished)

Bagnoli, Anna (2009) Beyond the standard interview: The use of graphic elicitation and arts-based methods. Qualitative Research, 9 (5). pp. 547-570.

Bratti, Massimiliano and Miranda, Alfonso (2009) Selection endogenous dummy ordered probit, and selection endogenous dummy dynamic ordered probit models. In: UK Stata Meeting, September 2009, London. (Unpublished)

Beerten, Roeland (2008) Household surveys in UK Government: building on survey integration. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008.

Bardsley, Nicholas (2008) Dictator game giving: altruism or artifact? Experimental Economics, 11 (2). pp. 122-133. ISSN 1573-6938

Browne, William and Golalizadeh, Mousa (2008) Sample Size calculations for multilevel models (part II). In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Brown, James and McDonald, John Estimating migration flows in Northern Ireland by health characteristics measured in the Census: using the NI Longitudinal Study. In: BSPS Annual Conference, 7-9 September 2011, York. (Unpublished)

Brown, James and Dearden, Lorraine Using Linked Administrative Data to Enhance Policy Relevant Analysis: Experience from the ADMIN Research Centre. In: ISI World Congress, 21 - 26 August 2011, Dublin. (Unpublished)


Campanelli, Pamela (2014) The Questionnaire Design Pitfalls of Multiple Modes. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2014, 8th - 10th July 2014, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Campanelli, Pamela (2014) The questionnaire design pitfalls of multiple modes. [Video] (Unpublished)

Clark, Alison and Flewitt, Rosie and Hammersley, Martyn and Robb, Martin (2013) Understanding Research with Children and Young People. Sage, London. ISBN 9781446274934

Child, Samantha and Nind, Melanie (2012) Sociometric methods and difference: A force for good - or yet more harm? Disability & Society, iFirst (iFirst). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0968-7599 (In Press)

Couper, Mick (2012) Assessment of Innovations in Data Collection Technology for Understanding Society. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Curtice, John and Boon, Martin (2010) Did people do what they said? In: The polls in 2010: learning the lessons, 22 November 2010, London. (Unpublished)

Curtice, John (2010) The Polls in 2010: Questions and Queries. In: The polls in 2010: learning the lessons, 22 November 2010, London. (Unpublished)

Clark, Andrew and Emmel, Nick (2010) Using Walking Interviews. Other. Morgan Centre, University of Manchester.

Crow, Graham and Pope, Catherine (2008) Editors' introduction. Sociology, special issue on the Future of the Research Relationship, 42 (5). pp. 813-819. ISSN 0038-0385(200810)42:5;1-J

Clark, Andrew and Emmel, Nick (2008) Participatory walking interviews: More than walking and talking? In: 'Peripatetic Practices': a workshop on walking, London. (Unpublished)

Cronin, Ann and Alexander, Victoria D. and Fielding, Jane and Moran-Ellis, Jo and Thomas, Hilary (2008) The Analytic Integration of Qualitative Data Sources. In: Handbook of Social Research Methods. Sage, pp. 572-584.

Cornish, Laura and Bone, Christine and Shelley, Monica and Fuller, Duncan (2008) Building capacity for the use of participatory video in academic research. In: NCRM Network for Methodological Innovation. (Unpublished)


Domingo, Myrrh and Kress, Gunther and O'Connell, Rebecca and Elliott, Heather and Squire, Corinne and Jewitt, Carey and Adami, Elisabetta (2014) Development of methodologies for researching online: the case of food blogs. NCRM Working Paper. NCRM, London. (Unpublished)

Dex, Shirley and Gumy, Julia (2011) On the experience and evidence about mixing modes of data collection in large-scale surveys where the web is used as one of the modes in data collection. Other. NCRM. (Unpublished)

Dearden, Lorraine and Micklewright, John and Vignoles, Anna (2011) The Effectiveness of English secondary schools for pupils of different ability levels. NCRM Working Paper. None, London. (Unpublished)

Das, Marcel (2010) Covering the general population by Internet interviewing. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Das, Marcel (2010) Covering the general population by Internet interviewing. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Davies, Katherine (2008) Door Knocking as a Method of Recruiting a Sample. Other. Real Life Methods. (Unpublished)

Desai, Tanvi (2008) Accessing Eurostat Data. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Doherty, Brian and Doyle, Timothy (2008) Friends of the Earth International: Research Access and Global Order in Globalising SMOs. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Dale, Angela (2008) Research and Capacity Building: some observations from the Research Methods Programme. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

De Leeuw, Edith (2005) Mixed Mode Data Collection Strategies in Surveys. In: Mixed Mode Data Collection in Comparative Social Surveys, 15-16 September 2005, City University, London. (Unpublished)


Eline, Kief (2020) The body as research instrument in your research cycle (video 3 of 3). [Video]

Elliott, Heather and O'Connell, Rebecca and Squire, Corinne (2014) Recipes for mothering? Analysing UK blogs about feeding the family. In: NOVELLA Conference, 07/07/14, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Edwards, Ros (2013) NCRM podcast: How many interviews is enough? [Audio]

Edwards, Gemma (2010) Mixed-method approaches to social network analysis. Discussion Paper. NCRM.

Emmel, Nick and Clark, Andrew (2009) The Methods Used in Connected Lives: Investigating networks, neighbourhoods and communities. NCRM Working Paper. National Centre for Research Methods.

Elias, Peter (2007) A strategic approach to data development and data sharing in the social sciences. In: Data Linkage: Exploring the Potential, 19 March 2007, London. (Unpublished)

Emmel, Nick and Hughes, Kahryn (2006) Accessing Hard to Reach Groups. In: Leeds Social Sciences Institute Methodological Seminar Series, University of Leeds. (Unpublished)


Flennerhag, Sebastian (2018) What is deep learning? [Video] (Unpublished)

Fuglsang Palmer, Maja Emilie (2017) Who cares? [Video]

Flight, Meghan and Ding, Ding (2014) NOVELLA selected publications and resources. In: NOVELLA Conference 2014, 07.07.14, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Fitzsimons, Emla and Malde, Bansi and Mesnard, Alice and Vera-Hernandez, Marcos (2012) Household responses to information on child nutrition:experimental evidence from Malawi. Project Report. Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Fielding, N. and Warnes, R. (2008) Computer Based Qualitative Methods in Case Study Research. In: Handbook of Case-Based Methods. Sage, London. ISBN 9781412930512

Francis, B. (2006) Resources for survey and statistical analysis. In: ESRC Research Methods Festival 2006, 17 - 20 July 2010, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)


Goodman, Claire (2016) Researching the oldest old and those living and dying with dementia in care homes. [Audio]

Greaves, Ellen and Sibieta, Luke (2014) Evaluation design for Achieve Together. In: Practical Issues in Policy Evaluation (NCRM RMF 2014), 10 July 2014, St Catherines College Oxford. (Unpublished)

Greaves, Ellen and Sibieta, Luke (2014) Evaluation design for Achieve Together. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2014, 8th - 10th July 2014, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Garland, Jon (2014) Researching Hate Crime: Methodological Challenges with. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2014, 8th - 10th July 2014, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Gantxegi Madina, Irene (2014) To think is to experiment Gantxegi Emotinal Education. In: To think is to experiment, April 30 2014, British Library.

Gayle, V. (2009) Youth Transitions – Future directions for data, methods and theory. In: International Conference on youth Transitions, 11 - 12 September 2009, Basel, Switzerland. (Unpublished)

Greb, Kerstin and Pybus, Tom and Butcher, Shaun (2008) HM Treasury: Long-term Public Finance Projections. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Groves, Robert M. (2008) Do we still need Probability Sampling in surveys? In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Groves, Robert M. (2008) What do Quantitative Researchers want from Qualitative Research? (or at least what does one quantitative researcher want). In: n, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Groves, Robert M. and Raghunathan, Trivellore (2005) Mixed Mode Methods in a World of Social Isolates, Pervasive Surveillance, and Ubiquitous Transaction Records: A Modest Proposal. In: Mixed Mode Data Collection in Comparative Social Surveys, 15-16 September 2005, City University, London. (Unpublished)


Higgins, Katie and Beale, Ruth and Feneck, Amy and Knowles, Caroline (2021) Studying Elites: Creative Methods in Elite Studies. [Video]

Hughes, Kahryn (2018) NCRM podcast: A short introduction to the Timescapes Archive. [Audio]

Haenssgen, Marco J and Charoenboon, Ern (2018) NCRM podcast: Using satellites to slash survey costs. [Audio]

Hechler, Johannes (2017) Ageing: what do we actually know? - Mr Johannes Hechler. [Video]

Helen, Johnson (2016) A rose by any other name? Using poetry as a tool for collaborative research. [Video]

Hawkins, Andrew and Lawes, Caroline (2010) Polling the Leadership Debates - The role of the instant polls. In: The polls in 2010: learning the lessons, 22 November 2010, London. (Unpublished)

Heath, S J (2010) Researching Transitions. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Harland, Kirk and Stillwell, John (2008) Commuting to School: A New Spatial Interaction Modelling Framework for the Education Sector. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Henwood, Karen (2008) Scaling up of QLR: Methodological and Ethical challenges. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)


Jiang, Jie (2018) Sensor-generated data: visualisations and analytic options | Dr Jie Jiang. [Video] (Unpublished)

Jiang, Jie and Pozza, Riccardo and Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun and Gilbert, Nigel and Moessner, Klaus (2017) Using Sensors to Study Home Activities. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 6 (4). ISSN 2224-2708

Jackle, Annette (2017) Using mobile devices to understand spending. [Audio]

Jiang, Jie and Pozza, Riccardo and Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun and Gilbert, Nigel and Moessner, Klaus (2017) Recognising Activities at Home: Digital and Human Sensors. In: International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems, 19-20 July 2017, Cambridge, UK.

Jewitt, C (2012) An Introduction to Using Video for Research. NCRM Working Paper. NCRM. (Unpublished)

Jones, Simon and Warner, Guy and Lambert, Paul and Blum, Jesse (2010) Curating Metadata for Social Science Data Applications. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Jowell, Roger (2005) Mode dilemmas in cross-national survey time series. In: Mixed Mode Data Collection in Comparative Social Surveys, 15-16 September 2005, City University, London. (Unpublished)


Kieft, Eline (2020) Movement exploration of lines, angles and circles (video 2 of 3). [Video]

Kieft, Eline (2020) Somatic introduction and knowing with the body (video 1 of 3). [Video]

Kieft, Eline (2018) NCRM podcast: Remember your body: a somatics toolkit for ethnographers. [Audio]

Kilburn, Daniel (2014) Methods for recording video in the classroom: producing single and multi-camera videos for research into teaching and learning. NCRM Working Paper. NCRM. (Unpublished)

Knight, Abigail (2014) Food and Families in the Archives: Methodological reflections on using narrative archival data to study food and families in hard times. In: NOVELLA Conference, 07/07/14, St Catherine's College, Oxford.

Koepke, Sabrina (2014) Life is what happens to you while you´re busy making other plans. In: To think is to experiment, April 30 2014, British Library.

Knight, Abigail and Mennell, Stephen and Bishop, Libby and Wakely, Helen and Jackson, Peter and Smith, David (2013) Tales from the archive. In: Tales from the archive, 19th November 2012, British Library. (Unpublished)

Kreuter, Frauke and Mueller, Gerrit and Durrant, Gabriele (2012) Improving process efficiency in panel surveys with paradata. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2012, 2nd - 5th July 2012, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Kuha, Jouni and Fisher, Stephen (2010) How the Exit Poll got it more or less right. In: The polls in 2010: learning the lessons, 22 November 2010, London. (Unpublished)

Kaczmirek, Lars (2010) Developing a Research Framework for Usability in Online Surveys: Human-Survey Interaction. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Kautt, Paula M. (2010) Methodological and analytical issues in using the British Crime Survey to model the impact of respondent Ethnicity. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Kramer, Anne-Marie (2010) Using interviews, the media and Mass Observation to research the family history 'boom'. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Krupka, Erin and Weber, Robert (2008) When in Rome: Presenting a method for identifying social norms. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Krosnick, Jon A. (2005) Effects of Survey Data Collection Mode on Response Quality: Implications for Mixing Modes in Cross-National Studies. In: Mixed Mode Data Collection in Comparative Social Surveys, 15-16 September 2005, City University, London. (Unpublished)


Lackovic, Natasa and Leonie, Hannan (2021) In Conversation with L. Hannan and N. Lackovic_Material methods 3: history and other disciplines. [Video]

Lynn, Peter (2014) Issues of coverage, sampling and participation in mixed mode surveys. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2014, 8th - 10th July 2014, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Lowe, Will and Benoit, Kenneth (2012) Human validation of latent trait scaling from textual data. [Video] (Unpublished)

Leone, Tiziana (2008) The Commodity Chain of the Household: from Survey Design to Policy Planning. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008. (Unpublished)


Meckin, Robert and Elliot, Mark (2024) Virtual Realities and Immersive Technologies. Discussion Paper. National Centre for Research Methods.

Meckin, Robert and Nind, Melanie and Coverdale, Andy (2021) The NCRM wayfinder guide to creative methods combinations in Covid-19. Other. NCRM.

Maslovskaya, Olga (2019) Dr Olga Maslovskaya: What is Data Survey Quality? [Video]

Martin, David (2018) Transforming the Census. [Video]

Martin, David (2017) Why is it so hard to get detailed counts of UK migration? - Professor Dave Martin. [Video]

Maria, Tamboukou (2016) Archaeology of knowledge and working in the archives. [Video]

Mathur, Rohini and Bhaskaran, Krishnan and Chaturved, Nish and Leon, David and vanStaa, Tjeerd and Grundy, Emily and Smeeth, Liam (2013) Completeness and usability of ethnicity data in UK-based primary care and hospital databases. Journal of Public Health, 35 (4). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1741-3850

Mathur, Rohini and Grundy, Emily and Smeeth, Liam (2013) Availability and use of UK based ethnicity data for health research. NCRM Working Paper. n/a. (Unpublished)

Malde, Bansi (2012) Video: What are electronic data collection methods? [Video]

Mahoney, Christine and Kluver, Heike (2012) Framing policy debates in the EU: new techniques to answer old questions. [Video] (Unpublished)

Malleson, Nick (2012) Geovisualisation, spatial analysis and simulation. [Video] (Unpublished)

Milton, Richard (2012) Machining geography and spatial analysis. [Video] (Unpublished)

Malde, Bansi and Vera-Hernandez, Marcos (2012) Collecting Data Electronically in Developing Countries. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2012, 2nd - 5th July 2012, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Malleson, Nick (2012) Geovisualisation, spatial analysis and simulation. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2012, 2nd - 5th July 2012, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Miranda, Alfonso and Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia (2010) Missing Covariates with Informative Selection. In: 4th ESRC Research Methods Festival, 5-6 July 2010, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Miranda, Alfonso and Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia (2010) Missing ordinal covariates with informative selection. NCRM Working Paper. Department of Quantitative Social Science, Institute of Education. (Submitted)

Micklewright, John and Schnepf, Sylke and Skinner, Chris (2010) Peer effects and measurement error: the impact of sampling variation in school survey data. NCRM Working Paper. IOE, London. (Unpublished)

Mason, Jennifer and Davies, Katherine (2009) Coming to our senses?: A critical approach to sensory methodology. Qualitative Research, 9 (5). pp. 587-603.

MacInnes, John (2009) ESRC Undergraduate Quantitative Methods Initiative list of resources for teachers. ESRC. (Unpublished)

Micklewright, John and Schnepf, Sylke (2009) How Reliable are Income Data Collected with a Single Question? NCRM Working Paper. Department of Quantitative Social Science, Institute of Education. (Unpublished)

Muir, Stewart (2008) Participant Produced Video: Giving participants camcorders as a social research methods. Other. Real Life Methods, University of Manchester. (Unpublished)

McCandless, Lawrence and Richardson, Sylvia and Best, Nicky (2008) Propensity Score Adjustment for Unmeasured Confounding in Observational Studies. NCRM Working Paper. ESRC National Centre for Research Methods. (Unpublished)


Nind, Melanie and Coverdale, Andy and Meckin, Robert (2021) Changing Social Research Practices in the Context of Covid-19: Rapid Evidence Review. Project Report. NCRM.

Nedbalova, Eva and Nind, Melanie (2020) MethodsNews 2020:1. MethodsNews 2020:1, 2020:1 (2020:1). ISSN 2020:1

Nedbalova, Eva and Nind, Melanie (2017) MethodsNews Newsletter 2017: 1. MethodsNews Newsletter, 2017 (1). ISSN 2017: 1

Nind, Melanie and Nedbalova, Eva (2016) MethodsNews 2016: 3. MethodsNews, 3 (3). ISSN 2016: 3

Nedbalova, Eva and Nind, Melanie (2016) MethodsNews 2016: 2. MethodsNews Newsletter 2016: 2, 2016 (2). ISSN NCRM

Nicolaas, Gerry (2014) Introduction. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2014, 8th - 10th July 2014, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Nicolaas, Gerry (2014) NCRM podcast: Web surveys for the general population: How, why and when? [Audio]

Nind, Melanie (2008) Conducting qualitative research with people with learning, communication and other disabilities: Methodological challenges. Project Report. National Centre for Research Methods.

Nicolaas, G (2008) Mixed Modes and Measurement Error. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008. (Unpublished)

Neale, Bren (2008) What is Qualitative Longitudinal Research? In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)


Oldfield, Zoe (2010) Using scanner technology to collect expenditure data. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.


Phoenix, Ann (2014) NOVELLA: Family lives in the past, present and future. In: NOVELLA Conference, 07/07/14, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Phoenix, Ann (2014) NOVELLA: Narratives of Varied Everyday Lives and Linked Approaches, Introduction. In: NOVELLA Conference, 07/07/14, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Peter, Lynn (2014) Taking an existing face-to-face panel survey online: methodological challenges. In: NCRM/RSS Symposium 'Web Surveys of the General Population', 01/07/2014, NCRM/RSS. (Unpublished)

Price, Sara and Jewitt, Carey and Brown, Barry (2013) Sage Handbook of Digital Technology Research. Sage. ISBN 9781446200476

Phoenix, Ann and Seu, Bruna (2013) Negotiating daughterhood and strangerhood: Retrospective accounts of serial migration. Negotiating daughterhood and strangerhood: Retrospective accounts of serial migration, 23 (1). ISSN 10.1177/0959353512473954

Pickles, Andrew and Roberts, Chris and Farnell, Damian (2012) Cross measure calibration methods and how they can enhance our analytical potential. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2012, 2nd - 5th July 2012, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Pearce, Jenny (2008) 'We Make Progress Because We are Lost': Critical Reflections on Co Producing Knowledge as a Methodology for Researching Non governmental Public Action. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Price, S and Farr, W and Jewitt, C Key readings: Approaches to researching embodiment in digital learning environments. n/a. (Unpublished)


Roberts, Steven. and Hine, Christine. and Morey, Yvette. and Snee, Helene and Watson, Hayley (2013) ‘Digital Methods as Mainstream Methodology’: Building capacity in the research community to address the challenges and opportunities presented by digitally inspired methods. Discussion Paper. NCRM. (Unpublished)

Rose, Nickie and Calderwood, Lisa (2012) Collecting saliva samples for DNA extraction from children and parents on the fifth wave pilot of the Millennium Cohort Study. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2012, 2nd - 5th July 2012, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Rutherford, Lisa and Clemens, Sam (2012) Methods of collecting biological data. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2012, 2nd - 5th July 2012, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Richards, Naomi (2011) Using participatory visual methods. Other. Morgan Centre, University of Manchester.

Rossi, Luca and Giglietto, Fabio (2010) SIGSNA: Special Interest Group on Social Network Analysis. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Ragin, Charles C. (2008) Redesigning Social Inquiry. In: Research Methods Festival 2008, 30 June - 3 July 2008, University of Oxford.

Roberts, Caroline (2005) Expert workshop on mixed mode data collection in comparative social surveys. In: Mixed Mode Data Collection in Comparative Social Surveys, 15-16 September 2005, City University, London. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Caroline and Lynn, Peter and Jackle, Annette (2005) Mixing modes on the European Social Survey – Implications for data quality. In: Mixed Mode Data Collection in Comparative Social Surveys, 15-16 September 2005, City University, London. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Caroline (2005) Expert workshop on mixed mode data collection in comparative social surveys. In: Expert workshop on mixed mode data collection comparative social surveys, 15-16th September 2005, City University, London. (Unpublished)


Sturgis, Patrick and Baker, Nick and Callegaro, Mario and Fisher, Stephen and Green, Jane and Jennings, Will and Kuha, Jouni and Lauderdale, Ben and Smith, Patten (2016) Report of the Inquiry into the 2015 British general election opinion polls. Project Report. NCRM, British Polling Council, Market Research Society.

Sugiura, Lisa (2014) Does the Web Call Time on our Ethical Arrangements. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2014, 8th - 10th July 2014, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Sianesi, Barbara (2012) Dealing with randomisation bias in a social experiment: The case of ERA. In: Work Pensions and Labour Economics (WPEG) Conference 2012, 12 and 13 September 2012, Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Sagi, Eyal (2012) A quantitative approach to framing in political speech. [Video] (Unpublished)

Swan, Gillian (2012) Use of nutritional bio-measuers in national dietary surveys. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2012, 2nd - 5th July 2012, St. Catherine's College, Oxford.

Silver, Christina and Rivers, Christine (2010) QUIC Briefing Paper: Using Access Grid Technology for the Provision of Software Training. Project Report. Unpublished. (Unpublished)

Snee, Helene (2010) Using blog analysis. Other. Morgan Centre, University of Manchester.

Sheridan, Dorothy (2010) From Mass Observer to Researcher in three months: the implications of using very recent material for archival and research practice. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Squire, Corinne (2008) Approaches to Narrative Research. Discussion Paper. N/A. (Unpublished)

Saris, Willem E. and Voogt, Robert (2005) Mixed Mode Data Collection - A Formal Approach. In: Mixed Mode Data Collection in Comparative Social Surveys, 15-16 September 2005, City University, London. (Unpublished)


Taylor, Stephanie J. A. (2016) The evidence of 'ordinary' people? [Video]

Tamboulou, Maria (2013) From the question of what to how by Maria Tamboukou notes. In: From the question of what to how by Maria Tamboukou notes, 28/02/12, IOE. (Unpublished)

Tzavidis, Nikos and Salvati, N (2008) Borrowing strength over space in small area estimation using M-quantile Geographically Weighted models with different levels of geo-referenced information. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, 30th June - 3rd July 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)


University, of Southampton (2008) Exploring new data sources in the social sciences. In: National Centre for Research Methods: 2008 Autumn School for Early Career Researchers, 12-14th November 2008, Jury's Inn, Southampton. (Unpublished)


Vera Hernandez, Marcos (2014) Sample size calculations for impact evaluations. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2014, 8-10 July 2014, St Catherines College Oxford. (Unpublished)

Vignoles, Anna (2010) Measuring School Effectiveness (a LEMMA/cemmap/ADMIN workshop), part of the 4th ESRC Research Methods Festival. In: Measuring School Effectiveness (a LEMMA/cemmap/ADMIN workshop), part of the 4th ESRC Research Methods Festival, 5-6 July 2010, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Vanessa, Carr What is Archival Research. In: Research Methods Festival 2008, 30 June - 3 July 2008, University of Oxford. (Unpublished)


Woodward, Sophie and Cook, Ian (2021) In Conversation with Sophie Woodward and Ian Cook – Material Methods 4: Political Lego. [Video]

Whyte, David (2021) Researching Corporations: a primer. [Video]

Whyte, David (2021) Using Freedom of Information Request in Research- Part 2. [Video]

Whyte, David (2021) Using Freedom of Information Requests in Research Part 1. [Video]

Woodward, Sophie and Lackovic, Natasa (2020) Material methods: creative methods. In conversation between Sophie Woodward and Natasa Lackovic. [Video]

Wheeler, Joanna (2018) NCRM podcast: Transforming lives with storytelling. [Audio]

Welpton, Richard (2018) NCRM podcast: Mind the gap: why skills are key to data reuse. [Audio]

Wall, Kate and Hall, Elaine (2014) How to use visual methods: presentation. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2014, 8th - 10th July 2014, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Wiles, Rose and Bengry-Howell, Andrew and Crow, Graham and Nind, Melanie (2013) But is it innovation?: the development of novel methodological methods in qualitative research. Methodological Innovations Online, 8 (1). pp. 18-33. ISSN 1748-0612online

Woodfield, Kandy and Morrell, Gareth and Metzler, Katie and Blank, Grant and Salmons, Janet and Finnegan, Jerome and Lucraft, Mithu (2013) Blurring the Boundaries? New social media, new social research: Developing a network to explore the issues faced by researchers negotiating the new research landscape of online social media platforms. NCRM Working Paper. NCRM.

Walker, Catherine (2012) Revisiting Young Lives interview data by Catherine Walker. In: Revisiting Young Lives interview data by Catherine Walker, 27/11/12, IOE. (Unpublished)

Wells, Anthony and Twyman, Joe (2010) 2010: Did online polling come of age? In: The polls in 2010: learning the lessons, 22 November 2010, London. (Unpublished)

Whiteley, Paul and Clarke, Harold and Stewart, Marianne (2010) Measuring Turnout - Who Voted in 2010? In: The polls in 2010: learning the lessons, 22 November 2010, London. (Unpublished)

Wiles, Rose and Bardsley, Nicholas and Powell, Jackie (2009) Consultation on research needs in research methods in the UK social sciences. Project Report. NCRM.


Xenitidou, Maria and Gilbert, Nigel (2010) The processes of methodological innovation: successful development and diffusion. Project Report. NCRM. (Unpublished)


Zanello, Giacomo (2018) Use of accelerometry devices (e.g. Fitbit) to capture energy expenditure in agricultural and rural livelihoods. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2018, 3rd - 5th July 2018, University of Bath. (Unpublished)

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