Items where Subject is "2.5.1 Qualitative interview design"
- NCRM Typology (3435)
- 2. Data Collection (593)
- 2.5 Qualitative Interviewing (69)
- 2.5.1 Qualitative interview design (11)
- 2.5 Qualitative Interviewing (69)
- 2. Data Collection (593)
Brannelly, Tula and Barnes, Marian (2018) Brannelly Barnes Ethics of care and research. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2018, 3rd - 5th July 2018, University of Bath.
Growing Up in Northern Ireland, Project (2009) Growing Up in Northern Ireland interview and focus group materials. NCRM.
Henderson, Sheila (2006) Final Report Youth Values. Project Report. NCRM.
Inventing Adulthoods, Project (2006) Inventing Adulthoods Study 1999 interview and memory book materials. NCRM.
Inventing Adulthoods, Project (2006) Inventing Adulthoods Study 2000 interview and memory book materials. NCRM.
Inventing Adulthoods, Project (2006) Inventing Adulthoods Study 2001 interview and focus group materials. NCRM.
Jones, Tim (2016) What are Mobile Methods? [Video] (Unpublished)
Weller, Susie (2015) The potentials and pitfalls of using Skype for qualitative (longitudinal) interviews. NCRM Working Paper. NCRM.
Youth Transitions, Project (2006) Youth Transitions Study 2002-2004 interview materials. NCRM.
Youth Transitions, Project (2006) Youth Transitions Study 2004-2006 interview materials. NCRM.
Youth Values, Project (2006) Youth Values Study 1998 interview and focus group materials. NCRM.